Well that carrier's days are numbered. It has a weight limit of 20 lbs. (I think). At his last checkup, Andy was 19lbs 5oz., so the time has come to replace it. Decisions, decisions...
There are two choices, the Ergo (shown left) and the Beco Butterfly 2 (shown right). Both are touted as easy to use, with excellent weight distribution systems (my shoulders and back are already cheering). The Ergo looks more comfy to me with its padded, cushy straps. Plus, you can buy cool accessories like sucking pads, sleeping hoods, backpack attachments, front packs, a weather cover (uh, if I need a weather cover, we're going indoors) and changing pads. However, the nougatty chic center wants the Beco. The prints they pick for the carriers are so fabulous. The straps look pretty cushy, too!
I'm making a choice soon, so stay tuned!
Ergo Baby Carrier - MRSP $105.00 to $135.00
Accessories - $8.00 to $46.00
Carry Style:
Front or Back
Comes with:
- Sleeping Hood
Recommended Weight Limit:
40 lbs. (Ergo states they have tested it up to 90lbs.)
Beco Butterfly 2 - MSRP $140.00
Carry Style:
Front or Back
Comes with:
- Head Rest (Hood)
- Infant Insert
Recommended Weight Limit:
45 lbs.
I see I'm obviously way late on this, but was wondering if you ended up buying one of the two? We're expecting our first within a few weeks and have considered the Moby wrap for the first little while, until she gets too squirmy....Was wondering what the final verdict was?
I am still using my Moby for my now 21mo 31lb toddler.